Monday, May 2, 2016

Song of Betrayal can be heard

This is a quick note to let everyone know that Song of Betrayal, that book I am been going on about since I started this blog is finally out. Click the title for the barnes and noble location. I am on Itunes , Kobo , Scribd (where the free documents are stored), Inktera , and 24 symbols as a $1 ebook. (1.99 on itunes as the extra 99 cents is their markup). I get half of this $ as royality.

Its on amazon as well through a diffrent publisher who handles paperbacks. Unfortunately its 269 pages and without all those discounts that big name publishers put on novels, it costs Blurb $32 so it sells for $59. (which is insane as I make NOTHING off it). If you don’t have a amazon visa card and sign up for it they will shave that $50 and give it to you for $9.

New stories in the pipeline. If you are interested in Fan fiction, I reactivated my fanfiction story account and am posting Amy’s journal pages after each episode. (although their won’t be another one until after Faking it! S3E10.

Also more maps. If I make enough I might publish an ebook of maps.

Next stories are Song of Restoration and Heatbeat Song (which will have Lorelei right up to her collaspe the week of the Taft High Massacre). Heartbeat song is first person and I am toying with the idea of making Song of restoration that too. However, Its doubtful because it would delay it for 6 months where as I could get it out by August if I do the final edit.

Until the morrow. Mike

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