Friday, March 25, 2016

All the new info I’ve amassed

Ok before I get into this, much sorrow about the terrorist attack in Baghdad. Alot of people in the US doesn’t know or care. I do and its truly heartbreaking that people are being murdered over ideology. Strong suggestion: go watch NCIS:LA seventh child. Last 20 minutes are the most poignent.

So its time to do the big infodump I have been promising. You already know about the Faking It shared space and the the removal of certain artists from the pantheon. The biggest thing is: a new story out set in current time. Plus supporting documentation.

Remember when I said I didn’t have the time to write a christmas story last year. Well, shortly there after, Trans-siberian orchestra’s Ghost of Christmas Eve came on. I enjoy it so much as it reminds me of good times. So I used it as a basis for a story. First, the Idea was that the girl was a lost high house member. Then I decided to place the theater next to the hotel in ‘View from the street’. That lead to placing it on December 20th 2015.

Funny thing is, it doesn’t snow in LA. The movie has heavy snow. So LA got a freak snow storm. Finally, I added Tom and Aria. Yet to keep it with the theme of ‘View from the street’ as well as the rule that any story without song in the title has no sirens in it, I did something unique. I showed how Tom grew in the intervening 7 yrs.

The story is out now on Its called Christmas Circle. That link back there will link you to a preview of the entire book. Read, enjoy, toss me some dollars if you want a print copy (they want $5; the price of a Starbucks Frappacino)

As for what is going on with the novel. I am in final stages for ‘Song of Betrayal’. Since splitting the novel in half (as it would have gotton to well over 100k if not) I am aproaching the end of the major edit. It will be in final draft. My reader ( a fellow trusty co worker) is poking at it too. I am hopely looking at it being finally out in the summer (you know how horrible I am on this so its just a promise).

The Other half of the novel is called Song of Restoration. It will deal in the aftermath of Aria’s theft, how Gwen saves Christiana’s career and how she ends up becoming princess. Throw in a ‘Let it go’ style event On Booker Field and you should have an epic finish.

That brings me to Faking it and its tie in to the Song of the assembly. I personally rarely announce that I am linking with a live show simply because its a mine field. This is different.

  1. The show is really good. Its topical. It deals with serious teen issues with a teen vibe better than glee did. It takes itself serious yet not so serious to forget itself.
  2. Its cohesive. My largest complaint about glee was that. It never remembered what it established. Faking it does and uses it alot to support itself. If the character is poor, she looks poor. If not then not.
  3. Its delightful and it makes you think without being overbearing. Its what I want my stories to be like.
  4. Finally, its set in Austin and that is doable. You won’t see them as active characters in for profit items.

Of course that doesn’t mean you won’t see them interacting with my characters at all. You will. Matter of fact, Liam’s last name is Booker. Hmm sounds like the name of a certain field. And Liam is rich. Hmm again.

Also, Tom will leave for a month while mourning the passing of Lorelei and arrive in Austin to hang with Zen who he chatted online with. (he was computer buds with Lorelei and Tom). There he will meet Karma and Amy while in their ‘unicorn’ phase ie, 10 yr olds. Sadly this is what leads to Gwen’s disease and why he feels so protective of her. (it’s guilt). It will be first person story told from his pov (and quite possibilty amy and karma’s too) no promises on when its coming.

Finally, I didn’t upload the Michael Cote stuff, but its in Christmas circle so its canon now. Next update.

The supporting documents are:

Kayne west’s auto accident.

53rd annual grammy awards website

I don’t plan on posting these on the wordpress page.

There is also the 52nd annual grammy award wiki that simply reveals the state of the industry in 2009-2010.  It’s on scribd too.

Until we chat again. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Quick update :(

I promised the big announcement today or tommorrow. Unfortunately, family circumstances prevented me from gathering everything to post here tonight. So rather than a half ass attempt, I will delay to tommorrow afternoon or Friday depending on how things play out in the morning.

I do have a lot of items to share, and a major update on how things are moving. Also, if you haven’t already go get a account (its free) and a account (also free). Those will allow access to my stories in the correct format as well and permanently bound copies.

I love telling the stories. I don’t care if they ever make me anything money wise. So I will continue to share them. To do that, I need to put them out there.

Also on a final, poignant side note , I want to say how sad I am about the attack in Brussels. Terrorism like this needs to stop because it achieves nothing other than terror, and death.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda

 We need to embrace love not hate. All of us. Chief amongst us are those here in the US who are the same faith as them who need to renounce the path of violence. Otherwise, just like Yoda said suffering will continue.
In fact. thats what the warriors of Dagon are about. Hate. You will see that in the books.


Monday, March 21, 2016

New stuff! I’m not Faking It®

Tommorrow or wednesday, I will share all the new stuff I have amassed. Like the kayne west obit, the Michael Cote arrest news story, my new story ‘Christmas Circle’ that was released to the publishers ($5 Blurb only thats bound). Where to get my new extension for Chrome, Opera and Yandex (soon Edge for all you poor souls who didn’t get off the win10 bandwagon before it turned into a prison bus)

However, there is one big reveal I want to share. I still have a love for teen fiction. Whether it’s glee, Friday Night Lights, Popular, High School Musical, Pitch Perfect, Pretty Little Liars etc, I tend to enjoy most of them. Some even help me think, inspire me or even make laugh so much it lifts my mood.

Well, I have been watching Awkward for the last year and been ignoring its mate because I watch other things (usually not on the tv etc) so when I stumbled into Faking It, it was because one trailer (bumper/preview) was too crazy for me to ignore. It made no sense but I was piqued. So I waited and watched the season 3 opener. I’m hooked. So hooked I went back and am plowing through all the previous episodes in a massive binge.

The best part is that Christmas Circle in set christmas 2015. Faking it is set in 2015 in Austin in September. So, I had Tom comment about Karma. You need to read the story to see what he thinks about #Karmy. Nevertheless, it shows my love for the show that its in my shared world. (and its about all I’ll be able to do since Song of Betrayal and Song of Restoration are in 2009)

That’s all for now. Until the morrow, dear friends.