Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Gyre and the bikini girl

This will be a brief update to let you all  know where everything is. Today, Song of the gyre is being released to the publishers. It should be available before next week for a dollar. Even though its 4th, its the second chronological book. Its funny that I ended up doing my series like CS lewis did Chronicles of Narnia. (with a different chronological order than printing order).

Since Song of the Gyre directly follows Midnight Train song, I am posting it here as well for you all to read free. I know its been a year since I posted a story here. Sorry about that. Sadly its the last of the Lorelei and Shae stories for a while. I do promise that the arc isn’t finished. You will see both again.

The Christmas story is called ‘A Karmic Karmy Christmas’. While I said Tom and Gwen would be in it, I decided that it would be better without them. It will only include those who were on Faking It!. Yes its set in college, yes it follows my post canon storyline so Tom, Gwen are still involved.

The plot revolves around Amy becoming who she is supposed to be and the challenge that brings. Her and Karma are struggling because Karma is away alot to launch her career and as much as they love each other, being adults is harder than each thought. You again she Amy be the rebellous strong person she is having spirited convos with Shane and Liam about why everything is the way it is.

I will be using my realitys history so don’t be shocked if certain people are dead, doing other things or dont exist. As promised, neither Stein, Clinton, Trump or Johnson will be president. I haven’t picked who is yet, but no it won’t be Jack and Bobby as I mentioned before. I dont have the shows.

Following the completion of thats story is Heartbeat song then Song of Restoration. This should get me through to the end of the year. Heartbeat song is the last of the Taft high stories. Song of Restoration will be the sixth in chronology. I havent decided if it will be the last as there is a final gap of a year before Gwen becomes Taylor Swift’s dark twin. (equal is power, potential, sales and verve).

This leads us to Bikini Girl. She isn’t a character in my novels or on a tv show. She is very much real. Her name is Morgan Willett and she needs your vote. On the reality show Big Brother over the top, she has been playing a mental endurance game with 10 other people including her sister Alex. Over the course of 70 days, they done endurance challenges, puzzles, memory challenges and athletic challenges all with the goal to stay safe for the week or get voted out.

Today is day 69 of 70. She is one of the final three. There are alot of people out there who are supporting a man who was on the show before and failed. A man who had let him mouth get ahead of his skills and who rode others to victory. People want to give him the final prize: $250,000

I believe Morgan deserves it more. She has managed to win safety once and the ability to remove herself from eviction twice. She stayed loyal to her alliance and made friends in ‘the house’ (studio 18 of CBS studio city). She is a mental warrior, loyal, nurturing, beautiful, brilliant and trusting. In one sense, she is alot like Lorelei.

So if you have a CBS all access account, please go to and vote for Morgan (the third image) 20 times (the maximum alloted) and thanks.

Here is a final image that explains the game far better. Its a quote from Game of Thrones.


Morgan has one rung left before the top and the final platform. Kryssie refused the climb and brought up by Jason who survived his first fall and is also one rung away. Thanks again