Saturday, May 31, 2008

New stuff coming!

Amazingly I am producing stuff. A David Cook American Idol shirt is up in Slexchange as is a Myanmar Cyclone relief shirt. I am making 3 new shirts right now. (1)A Google binary name shirt given out at the recent IT Convention. It advertises a new product but is misspelled. LOL (2) a Second Life 5th Birthday shirt using a fairly cool image I got a hold of. It celebrates our unique ability to fly. (3) A cool patterned shirt polo that I am calling Tan paisley.
I also have the Olympic torch available on Slexchange tonight.
On the food front, I am moving forward with my real food project. I will have them on Slexchange but I am making real food. What is real food?
Well most food is a single prim with a pic of food as the top texture. No shape, just a box or disc with a shot of steak on it. Well, I am going to make real steak shaped like a steak. Soup that is in bowls. Chicken like chicken. Like the KFC mashed potatoes. Most will be one to 3 prims and they will be cheap. L$10 to 25 usually because this is easier and clothes.
So check me out.
Also check out Misc-280 on the jira.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Chapel, beijing and good eats

Well, here is the next update. I am out of College. So I can actually focus some time on SL™.
Ok, the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch is complete. It is being offered as a package with an Olympic replica shirt for L$50. I am going to get it into SLexchange and Onrez shortly, but for now its out in front of the store. You will know it when you see it.
The store is here is Amaro. Or it you don't want to use the map go directly into SL.
The Chapel is on the other side and is open. I am having monthly prayer service for those who want to pray. Its normally the 3rd Saturday at 5pm pst but this month it will be the 11th which is the Global day of prayer.
I am working on eyes, and food. Odd combo isn't it? I have eyes that I need to box up that. There are the Rankin eyescapes so it wasn't anything truly creative on my part. Just conversion of them into SL. Yes, there are aware and OK with it.
Same with the Bocog, the Beijing Olympic group. They are aware and from what I understand have assented. So there will be more official Olympic replica stuff on the horizon.
Finally, I should have time for some clothes. There are really time consuming for me because not only do I have make the clothes in PSP (paint shop pro) but I am adjust them in world just like everyone else. Only I don't have time like everyone else. I have maybe 2 hours a day with normal sleep. But that will change without College. I just have about 4.
And that about wraps things up. If you are reading this, and live in the Memphis area, say hey to me at the airport about 6:30 pm Memphis time on Friday. I will be there.

Thunderclap (i Talk alot more here) :D