Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Falling Ashes and shifting tides

I chose today to post this update today because like the events of 18 years ago in my story timeline I am dealing with the aftermath of the shooting. Heartbeat song is published and available at any online retailer you can name. Its available in print bound by my publisher draft 2 digital as well.

The final novel of the first group and the official fouth novel is called Passion song. It deals with Lorelei’s chose to stasis herself called ‘astheneo’. This is what happens to the bodies of the fallen Assembly members prior to them being stood in Antarctica. This book also explains why Lorelei feels the need and why in Song of Hope, Tom is moving all of society. When you read it, you will actually agree.

You will also see the reborn Charity Hospital in New Orleans, discover that not only there no Epstein in the Assembly reality (his grandfather fell off the boat and drowned on the way to the new world. So sad.), but why Taiji is the villian. It has to do with ancestry and the shogunate at the beginning of Edo period Japan. You get more of who Tyrion is, who the Cetus family is, and a reminder that Tom is his Uncle’s cousin.

You get a Virgin Islands with Japanese castles on it. The tie in to Faking it, and well as some new characters that will carry over in the second series books. Finally, you will get a keep in to Aria and why she doesnt want to be a regenerist. I expect it to be smaller than the last two.

Of course, following this is the book that comprises the second half of Song of Betrayal. That will be August 2009. I am doing a book that will revolve around the 2009 MTV music awards because its completely different in my reality.

When the Graverobber’s people blew up beyonce’s house and studio while she was on tour in Japan, it delays two things and ends one.

  1. Solange loses her window which ends her career before it begins.
  2. ‘I am Sasha Fierce is delayed a year. So it doesn’t get into awards that year. So it doesnt win any awards.
  3. No Kanye, he died in an auto accident in 2002. So no ‘I’m going to let you finish’

In Passion Song you learn Tom is disappointed that Taylor (yes that Taylor. You didn’t know she was a Siren? Really?) doesn’t chose Siren Song as her label. So he decides to not support her but not distance her either. This will become important when Gwen starts interacting with her. So with all that, I am crafting a simialr awards show with my flow of musicians. It should take place after Homecoming song if I understand the chronology right. If not then I figure out something.

Third series is Gwen as Jem and the Holograms. Three books 2010-2016. That last book will reveal the Dakou Anastatis of Lorelei: her tearful ressurection. Yes, Lorelei purposely doesn’t tell her sister for a reason that will be revealed in Passion Song.

I don’t have a projected about of books in total yet. Since Passion Song will be 8, it could be 16 when I am finished. It could be 21. I don’t know. Well that’s it. #Honor911 talk soon.