If you know me, you know I don’t talk politics unless it relates to my novel series universe. That hasn’t changed. However, I do have a purpose for this post. I finally have images of my characters. I talked in the past about how I used Jamie Andries and others to help picture Gwen and the others in my mind. That’s great for me. Not so great when it comes time for covers or making other properties.
I am trapped which what they do. I have been thankful Ms. Andries had a very robust cheer career, loves to model and travel so I could see various sides of her personality. Yet she isn’t Gwen. Nor was I interested in reaching out to her for a novel deal. She became a public relations manager for Rebel Cheer, of all things. (Incredibly proud).
So I am back to Square one, that same square I was in 2013. The images I posted in 2014 won’t work. Then, GANs and deep fakes came along showing me the good side of tech. Thispersondoesntexist generated the pictures I needed.
I present to you Lorelei Breton Cetus and Tom Istan. Each looks as close to the actor or actress I chose to base the character off of. So moving forward this is what I will use.
I have images of Lee, Tyrion, Gwen, Portia, Shelly, Reagan, Aria, Chelsey, the Taft Babysitters club, Kent and Coach Delamort. When I release Mythic Notes, I will release the images of all the characters.
I released these here because, I just sent to the publisher the combined volume of the first three books. This way anyone who wants to can read the books in chronological order. Considering I published Midnight Train Song shortly after Song of Betrayal in 2014, its been a long time.
As I said, its never been about money. This is all the marketing I will ever do unless someone famous discovers this one I get on TV and talk about it. And Yes, behind them is Booker Field. (for those smart enough to notice, I used Allen Eagle stadium 2012 shot).
The volume will be $17 and is 614 pages 6×9. The mock up looks beautiful. You get the sense of who each person is. Lorelei standing in the 3rd floor Taft High hallway and Tom with a swimming pool behind him.
Oh, I decided Operation Valkyrie succeeded. (Yes, Hitler got assassinated in 1944) This is what I get for watching the Plot Against America. It’s good, watch it. Also, I highly suggest Westworld. They are scaring the f*** out of you again. This time without violence.
Finally, did a little research into how COVID-19 kills people. To TL;DR it, the assembly can’t get it because of their gills. The way hemoglobin works in them is just enough different that it can’t strip the oxygen out. Without that they become asymptomatic. (they don’t get colds either). They do get Ick though as I pointed out in Song of Hope.
Well, time to wrap this up. Just remember no matter what happens this year, my characters have it worse. Only a billion people crossed to the new world ( different reality set in the past. Yes, I said in Song of Hope its 30 million but, there is no promise I will stick to that until I actually write it. Now that I established that the Atlan also jumped realities, its easier to find an empty earth in modern times that simply had nothing.
Good luck, Good Journey and remember Love is six feet apart until at least May 15th.