Each time I finish and publish a story its like placing a puzzle piece down. I am slowly revelaing the remarkable picture of how the Assembly saved itself and the Earth. Of course this process is slow going and I haven’t put enough pictures to make true sense of everything. Nevertheless the stories should be able to stand on there own.
Having said that preamble, I want to announce that ‘Song of Route 91’ is now available on all digital platforms. Expect Amazon. I opted out of publishing the ebook on them. Yet, Scribd, Barnes & Noble, Apple Ibooks, Google and others now have it. It’s longer that the one I submitted for Nanowrimo coming in at roughly 30,000 words. Also, to show that I am trying to have mermaids being in the ocean, (heh) the last 2 chapters are completely underwater. You see inside House Cetus 2018 and I reveal a dueling area so you get songs underwater.
This brings me to the reason for the title. In the story the decision is made about how to handle the burgening tech society of today in relation to the Assembly’s need for secrecy. How those consquences play out is revealed in a later story. That story as I mentioned earier could be the final one in this series. I dont know. I do know that its named ‘Song of the Children of Tommorrow’
That line and the title both come from the Scorpian song ‘Winds of Change’. That sound referenced the fall of soviet union and the impending freedom everyone thought was coming. For the Assembly, that night was the night before the Taft High Massacre. It will also be the night of the concert that will effectively save the assembly, Which was April 13 2018.
This brings me to another point. I decided to not subtitle them book ? of the Song of the Assembly series because I am writing them out of order and don’t know what actual number it will be until I write all of them. If I still do three groups of three books each, Song of Route 91 is the first of the last series. However, this is the fifth book I wrote. Midnight Train song, Song of the Gyre and the unfinished Heartbeat Song are the first group of three. Song of Betrayal and Song of Transition (also unfinished. [its the third edit of the orginally much larger last six chapters of Song of Betrayal when it was called Collide]) are the first two of the second. Then there is Homecoming song and Christmas circle.
So rather that say book 5, I am going to give a timeline and then assign numbers when its actually complete. The song of the Assembly series begins in early 2006 when Lorelei starts talking to Tom over the internet. Six months later puts you with the first meeting with Gwen in Midnight train song. Song of the Gyre takes place during the 2006-2007 school year prior to the Taft High Massacre. HeartBeat song covers the night before, the Massacre and the days following. One of the final scenes is placing fallen Lorelei in Antarctica.
Song Of Betrayal, Song Of Transition and Homecoming song take place in 2009. The first two take place in that 2009 part of the 2008-2009 school year while the other takes place in beginning part of the 2009-2010 school year. Homecoming Song will be the last one that I believe at this moment will have Gwen in Forest Hills. Her career takes off in 2010.
Christmas Circle took place near christmas 2016. There is a gap of 6 years that I need to fill in events like the fall of the Taiji, Tom becoming an olympian and Gwen getting her grammys etc. Plus a lot of bad changes as well.
The series will end on April 13 2018 unless I write a group of post ‘restorer of the breach’ prophecy books. It will end with the same character it began with: Lorelei. Rather that communicating with one man. She will be communicating with the world. So I am thinking 12 books. This other 3 will be around 2012.
On the topic of Siren, it got better. Its still not quite where I wanted it to be but it got better. On this note, thanks to all who read this, clicked this link etc. I appreciate it.
somewhere evenescence my immortal and Passenger Let her go will be in heartbeat song along with the title song.
Danny Gokey – Tell Your Heart to Beat Again
I am finishing it now.
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