Monday, March 21, 2016

New stuff! I’m not Faking It®

Tommorrow or wednesday, I will share all the new stuff I have amassed. Like the kayne west obit, the Michael Cote arrest news story, my new story ‘Christmas Circle’ that was released to the publishers ($5 Blurb only thats bound). Where to get my new extension for Chrome, Opera and Yandex (soon Edge for all you poor souls who didn’t get off the win10 bandwagon before it turned into a prison bus)

However, there is one big reveal I want to share. I still have a love for teen fiction. Whether it’s glee, Friday Night Lights, Popular, High School Musical, Pitch Perfect, Pretty Little Liars etc, I tend to enjoy most of them. Some even help me think, inspire me or even make laugh so much it lifts my mood.

Well, I have been watching Awkward for the last year and been ignoring its mate because I watch other things (usually not on the tv etc) so when I stumbled into Faking It, it was because one trailer (bumper/preview) was too crazy for me to ignore. It made no sense but I was piqued. So I waited and watched the season 3 opener. I’m hooked. So hooked I went back and am plowing through all the previous episodes in a massive binge.

The best part is that Christmas Circle in set christmas 2015. Faking it is set in 2015 in Austin in September. So, I had Tom comment about Karma. You need to read the story to see what he thinks about #Karmy. Nevertheless, it shows my love for the show that its in my shared world. (and its about all I’ll be able to do since Song of Betrayal and Song of Restoration are in 2009)

That’s all for now. Until the morrow, dear friends.

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